Sunday, June 24, 2012

Devin is productive again!

Finished chapter one and started chapter two on my zombie story!
Wrote some character outlines for a comic about dirty bums
Started thinking about story and plot for said dirty bum comic
Can juggle more!

I intend to update you on the progress of the comic about dirty bums regularly in the future!  

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Elf Boy Saga

Episode 1

And now the story behind this wonderful little webseries. Many, many years ago, right after my family moved into our new house, my brother and I took the camera and filmed episode one.
It wasn't "Episode One" at the time. It was just plain "Elf Boy". That short video was actually pretty good at parts for 9 year old and a 5 year old to make.
 This bizarre film became an inside family joke and several years later, when we were bored, I filmed Brendon and basically just told him to start acting like a lunatic. Then came episode three, just a few weeks ago. No explanation necessary. ;)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Devin and Devlin

My finished film Devin and Devlin is slightly shorter than I expected.

About a year ago I began writing a script for a sci-fi comedy called Devin and Devlin.  It had it all: Spaceships, alternate dimensions, Dr Who jokes.  Several months went by after the script was finished and then I filmed the first scene.
A few months later I filmed the second and even longer after that (by then my braces were even off) I filmed the fourth (we tried doing the third but I lost my pants half way through filming and the camera never actually had batteries in it).
Now, a few weeks ago, I decided to just finish this project and put it out of its misery and just edit it.  But one thing stopped me in my tracks.

Almost all the footage was terrible.  Most of the dialogue was barely audible and the jokes were embarrassing.  The finished film you see above is all the GOOD footage.  Pretty awesome, right?

ALSO AND EDIT TO LITERATURE THEME SONGS #2:  Police and The Private by Metric

Monday, April 23, 2012

Most the people I look up to and the people I need guidance from the most are doing in college finals and do not have the time that I require.