Sunday, June 24, 2012

Devin is productive again!

Finished chapter one and started chapter two on my zombie story!
Wrote some character outlines for a comic about dirty bums
Started thinking about story and plot for said dirty bum comic
Can juggle more!

I intend to update you on the progress of the comic about dirty bums regularly in the future!  

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Elf Boy Saga

Episode 1

And now the story behind this wonderful little webseries. Many, many years ago, right after my family moved into our new house, my brother and I took the camera and filmed episode one.
It wasn't "Episode One" at the time. It was just plain "Elf Boy". That short video was actually pretty good at parts for 9 year old and a 5 year old to make.
 This bizarre film became an inside family joke and several years later, when we were bored, I filmed Brendon and basically just told him to start acting like a lunatic. Then came episode three, just a few weeks ago. No explanation necessary. ;)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Devin and Devlin

My finished film Devin and Devlin is slightly shorter than I expected.

About a year ago I began writing a script for a sci-fi comedy called Devin and Devlin.  It had it all: Spaceships, alternate dimensions, Dr Who jokes.  Several months went by after the script was finished and then I filmed the first scene.
A few months later I filmed the second and even longer after that (by then my braces were even off) I filmed the fourth (we tried doing the third but I lost my pants half way through filming and the camera never actually had batteries in it).
Now, a few weeks ago, I decided to just finish this project and put it out of its misery and just edit it.  But one thing stopped me in my tracks.

Almost all the footage was terrible.  Most of the dialogue was barely audible and the jokes were embarrassing.  The finished film you see above is all the GOOD footage.  Pretty awesome, right?

ALSO AND EDIT TO LITERATURE THEME SONGS #2:  Police and The Private by Metric

Monday, April 23, 2012

Most the people I look up to and the people I need guidance from the most are doing in college finals and do not have the time that I require.

Hunger Games People-wolves

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Literature Theme Songs 2 Boneshaker

Introduction: For most of my childhood life I have been making movies and thinking about making movies.  And in the brief gaps of me NOT thinking about filmmaking I have been reading.  One of my favorite parts of the film process is music and picking the right songs for the job. 

Whenever I hear a song that starts working my imagination, I like to try an imagine what books might have the song as their Theme Music.  :)

 Book: Boneshaker
by Cherie Priest

Song: Apres Moi
Regina Spektor (again)

--LISTEN-- (the moment that I am thinking of begins about 4 minutes and 20 seconds in)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Literature Theme Songs 1 Fault In Our Stars

Introduction: For most of my childhood life I have been making movies and thinking about making movies.  And in the brief gaps of me NOT thinking about filmmaking I have been reading.  One of my favorite parts of the film process is music and picking the right songs for the job.

Whenever I hear a song that starts working my imagination, I like to try an imagine what books might have the song as their Theme Music.  :)

Book: The Fault in Our Stars
by John Green

Song: Fidelity
Regina Spektor

(both the song and the book are fantastic.  They suit each other)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hunger Games Review

Seneca's got swag.

For some reason I love this commercial.  

But I couldn't help but wonder where Seneca Crane was in this menagerie of mustaches...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Them Hungry Games!

Oh my grod Hunger Games was fantastic, but I plan to do a video on that in a few days.

Good things: I recently finished "Guards!  Guards!" by Terry Pratchett (which was hilarious), I have recently become a zoo tycoon (in the 2001 video game Zoo Tycoon), I listened to Regina Spektor's album "Far" all the way through for the second time (I have listened to the individual songs countless times) and it is still fantastic as always and of course the Hunger Games.  But I don't plan on even going into that now.  

Sunday, March 18, 2012


After trying out a few new drawing techniques (adventure time-esque legs and arms/hands) I instantly new who I needed to draw: Briar Wilkes from Cherie Priest's Boneshaker!

(I plan to do more character charactertures) 

Friday, March 16, 2012

New computer!

The newest addition to my family is Shallow Inkling (hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy joke lol)!  After Nestle, Happy and Chupacabra tipped a stool on to and broke my old computer (rest in peace), I ordered a delightful new Dell.  More from him soon.  

Rest in peace, Mista' Vista. You will always be crashing with the BSOD in out hearts.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What if you had to pay for the privilege of using certain words?

You would probably get a beginners "trial" pack.  You would get all the "The, If, And, But" words and a couple animal names.

Then for 10$ you could pay for the right to use Pronouns and quite a few adjectives.  Good deal.

20$ and you can use any adjective and the words "Cup, Car, Dog, Thought, House, America and Facebook".

and so on....

Monday, February 6, 2012

Best TV Shows Ever Part 2: The Colony

Why it's the best ever: I am immensely interested in post-apocalyptic scenarios and have been wondering about what it would be like to live through one for realsies (not all lathered up in zombies or John Cusack), and this show delves into that in a very Hunger Games-esque way with "game-makers" throwing different obsticals and hazards at the contestants.  As the contestants make their way through this dead version of LA they also explain everything they do to their emotions and psychological stuff to what they make and how they build it (generators, flame-throwers).

This show gets an official squidpunks rating of ****

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The afformentioned iTunes Quiz

If someone says "Is this okay?" you say....
 How would you describe yourself?
What do you like in a girl?
How do you feel today?
What's your motto?
What is your philosophy?
What do your friends think of you?
What do you think of your parents?
What is 2+2?
What do you think of me?
What do you think of when your secret crush?
 What song will you play at your funeral?
 What is your life story?
 What will you dance to at your wedding?
 What is your biggest fear?
 What is your biggest secret?
What did you think of this quiz?

 Keep Calm And DFTBA!

The Best TV Shows Ever (part 1): Parks and Recreation

Why it's fantastic: Hilarious, quirky characters in a cartoony but believable setting. Great writing, great episodic stories and full story arcs.

Squidpunks Official Rating:


Monday, January 30, 2012

My Dream ASK?

I will start with a real job that  sounds fun: Keeper.  I don't want to scoop poop-
Executive Zoo Keeper.
-or deal with the lame animals like cockatoos and small lizards.
Whale/Elephant/Monkey Keeper.
I wouldn't mind cleaning them, as long as they were nice about it.  Also, I have always wanted to herd something, like, across the middle-earthy plains of NZ.  Around Mt. Sunday (y'know.  The place where they filmed Rohan)!
I would herd sky whales and monkeys, occasionally scrubbing them with real big sponges.  

The whales would fly and some of the monkeys would ride them and some would just knuckle-walk around.  
At night, we would hitch a fairly large tent (attached to the whales) and watch Parks and Recreation and eat banana-splits (I would give the whales some extra-large sky-krill sprinkled ones).

Early in the morn, we would have to make our way to the next grazing spot before the Wolves picked up our scent.  I would have one of those Stun-Gun Shepard's crook in case they did (

Post Script-
A few posts ago I mentioned making unicorn soap.  I forgot to mention the step where you coat one of those golden potatoes in the stuff.
Skin the potato (might be difficult, seeing as how its made of gold.  but its soft, you can probably manage it).  Use a spatuler to then coat the 'tater with a think layer of your unicorn concoction.  Then follow the rest of the instructions as you see fit.  Thank you and apologies.

Post Post Script:


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Planning for the future=GOOD

Good plans for the future.

1. Comics
2. More vlogs
3. A surprising twist in the Badsheathmaaa saga
4. Reviews of books are good also.
5. Regina Spektors are even gooder.
6. I like Troll Hunter as well.
7. I just watched it for the second time.
8. Even better the second time.
9. They say you get to do the weird stuff.
10. We'd do the weird stuff!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Still awake. I went to sleep a few times in between now and my last post, but I am awake again.

So!  Things!  Stuff.  Many things and also other things.

I am adjusting myself into School Mode (as I was just on a fairly long vacation of Christmas vacaysh and a trip to both Disney World and a cruise) and things are not going extremely well.  My throat hurts and WebMD has diagnosed me with.......

the mumps.
Yeah, no.   Unacceptable.   But other than my aching throat and painful and rash-ridden nostril, things are things and also stuff.

Guess what the most effective way to get rid of a poison arrow wound is!

Bandages soaked in water?  You say?  This  is not true.  Although it would get rid of both the wounds and poison, isn't it uninteresting?  Yes.
Unicorn soap is a much more involved activity.

How to Make Unicorn Soap:

·         51 oz. of olive oils
·         31.5 oz. of coconut material
·         28 oz. of cold coffee (to sound magical, I will suggest elven coffee)
·         1 cup of small nut bits
·         11.94 oz. of elk-tree shavings.
·         Unicorn fat (from the leg.  Unicorn exercises really makes the magic build up and clot in that area.

      Next, we take all of these fine (fine) ingrediants and mix them in a pot of boiling water.  I assume that you then mix with a mixy-mixer and once its mixy-mixed together you should take a drainy-drainer and…drain it.  Then, with gloves on (its probably hot), pack the stuff together and let cool. 
      You can sprinkle it with confectionary sugar if you like. 
      Once it is hard (or at least fairly stiff), you can put into some kind of satchel or whatever and carry it along on your adventure to use as a quick and first aid if shot with a drow’s spider arrows or hit with a goblin’s rust and tetanus infested pieces of metal.

                   I hope this was helpful for you!  I now go to feast on cookies and (at the same time) watch Parks and Rec.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

This one is where I'm awake. There is not a significant difference.

okay im awake now.

All is well in my little kingdom.  I am currently wearing a purple hat my mother knitted for me and red and green plaid pajama-pants I got for Christmas.  
I am sitting at my desk (with a jaffa cakes box that is, incidentally, filled with two different brands of art pencils and an inking pen from Faber-Castell).

Hey!  Remember that time I said that the BADSHEATHMAAA has a big butt?   Or that time I said that the Cat Lord helps Badsheathmaaa publish art on the web?  I was asleep and such.  

I don't even remember what my New Years resolutions were.  I think one of them had something to do with....I  Maybe I already completed them all.  Yeah.
I'll go with 

I will leave you with some pictures that very OBVIOUSLY rule.
(you can click on them to enlarge)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Cat Lord

This one is about gnomes.

Okay, so gnomes mostly live at the bases of trees (in the areas around the roots).  They are usually about 1 foot tall but can grow up to ten.  But they really don't do that often enough to be interesting.

This is the cat lord.  He secretly rules.
Actually, he is pretty obviously awesome and he does an awesome sense but he also rules in a Cat Lord way as well.  He does the latter in secret.
As you can see he has a cat head and he flamboyantly rides the badsheathmaaa and later helps said weird-ass creature to publish its hair paintings on the internets.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A thing about centaurs.

The majestic centaur. The head of the horse, the body of the lion.......and the...legs of a chimpanzee. There are six legs on the centaur and their eyes shoot heat out of the pupil. Their butts are also really big.
The above adjectives are weird and they do not correspond with the name "Centaur" That is some other jacked up thing. It is is a....."BADSHEATHMAAA"
The Majestic Badsheathmaa (horselioness-sapienlazeress)

New Videos

I will end this rubish post of guff with the saying "The Badsheathmaaa watches you while you sleep and paints really good pictures of your hair. You will find these on the wall of its den in Timbuktu, Africa.